Zed's Alchemy

List of All Combinations for All Items

Zed's Alchemy Cheats
1UPlife + mushroom
air (basic element)
airplaneair + car | bird + metal
Albert Einsteinenergy + scientist
alcoholalcohol + bacteria | fire + water
alcoholicalcohol + man | beer + man | man + tequila | man + vodka
algaelife + water
alienbeast + star | life + star
aluminiumairplane + metal | feather + metal
ambulancecar + hospital | car + sick
aquariumfish + glass
arableearth + tool
armsmetal + tool
ashbook + fire | cigarettes + fire | corpse + fire | dragon + hunter | dragon + hut | dragon + man | 2*dust | ent + fire | fire elementa + water | fire + hut | fire + moss | fire + paper | fire + snake | fire + tobacco | fire + tree | fire + wood | fire + worm | lava + man | lava + woman | light + vampire | pressure + volcano | Sun + vampire
ashtrayash + glass
assassinassassin + man | assassin + woman | man + poisoned weapons
Australiacontinent + country | country + kangaroo
avian flubird + flu | chicken + flu
babylife + sex | life + woman | man + sex | sex + woman
baconfire + pig
bacterialife + mud | life + swamp
barbeer + brick house | brick house + tequila | brick house + vodka
barbequefire + meat
batbird + vampire
Batmanbat + hero | bat + man
beachsand + Sun | sand + water
bearbeast + forest | beast + honey
beastbeast + oxygen | earth + lizard | forest + life
beaverbeast + dam
beebeetle + flower | flower + hunter
beeralcohol + bread | alcohol + wheat
beetleearth + worm
beetrootreed + scientist | seed + sugar
Belaruscountry + tractor
berryfruit + grass
birdair + egg | air + lizard | 2*bird | bird + worm
bitumenkerogen + pressure
bloodalcoholic + car | beast + hunter | beast + warrior | bird + hunter | dinosaur + hunter | dinosaur + man | dinosaur + warrior | dragon + warrior | man + warrior
boatwater + wood
boilermetal + steam
bookfeather + paper | man + paper
borschtbeetroot + fire | beetroot + meat | beetroot + salo
bowarms + Robin Hood
breaddough + fire
brickclay + fire
brick housebrick + concrete
butterflyair + worm | time + worm
C-3POgold + robot | R2-D2 + robot
cactusdesert + tree
camelbeast + desert | desert + sailboat | desert + sailing ship | desert + wooden ship
canceralcoholic + cigarettes | alcoholic + tobacco | cigarettes + man | cigarettes + woman | man + tobacco | tobacco + woman
carcart + combustion engine
caramelfire + sugar
carbon dioxidebeast + oxygen | Coca-Cola + Mentos | man + oxygen
carminecochineal + fire | cochineal + steam
cartwheel + wood
catbeast + yarn | hunter + milk | hunter + mouse
CatDogcat + dog
caviaregg + fish | 2*fish
cementclay + limestone
ceramicsclay + man
champagnecarbon dioxide + wine | soda water + wine
chariotcart + warrior
cheesefire + quark (cheese) | milk + mold
chickenegg + life | egg + time
Chinacountry + dragon | country + gunpowder | country + panda | country + silk
chocolatecocoa + sugar
Christmas treelight bulb + tree
cigarettespaper + tobacco
claysand + swamp
clockelectricity + hourglass | time + tool
clothtool + wool
clothingcloth + man | cloth + woman
cloudair + steam
coalfire + tree | fire + wood
Coca-Colacarmine + soda water
cochinealbeetle + cactus | cactus + worm
cocoaMexico + seed
coffincorpse + wood
coinbrick + Mario | gold + pressure | metal + money | pressure + silver
combustion enginegasoline + steam engine
concretecement + water
coppergold + silver | metal + Venus
corpsealcoholic + car | 2*assassin | assassin + man | assassin + woman | cancer + time | fire + man | man + poison | man + warrior | poison + woman | stake + vampire
crop circlesarable + UFO | UFO + wheat
dambeaver + tree | brick + water
diamondtool + uncut diamond
dietman + yogurt | woman + yogurt
dilemmachicken + egg
dinosaur2*dinosaur | dinosaur + hunter | dinosaur + man | earth + egg
doctorhospital + scientist | hunter + sick | scientist + sick
dogman + wolf | time + wolf
doughflour + water
Dr. Zoidbergalien + doctor | doctor + lobster
dragondinosaur + fire | dragon + hunter | dragon + hut | dragon + man | fire + pterodactyl
dustair + earth | 2*ash
e-bookbook + microchip
earth (basic element)
ectoplasmenergy + ghost
egg2*bird | 2*dinosaur | farmer + hen coop | life + stone | 2*lizard | 2*pterodactyl | 2*snake | 2*turtle
Egyptcat + country | country + mummy | country + scarab
electric eelelectricity + snake
electric rayelectricity + fish
electricityenergy + metal | glass + wool
elephantbeast + India | earth + whale | India + whale
energyair + fire | coal + fire | fire elementa + water | fire + peat | lava golem + water
entlife + tree
explosionfire + gasoline | fire + gunpowder | fire + oxyhydrogen
Fabergé eggdiamond + egg
farmerarable + man | man + seed
fatknife + pig | man + pig
featherbird + hunter
fernmoss + swamp
Finlandcountry + sauna
firelime + sulfur | 2*stone
fire elementafire + life
firearmsarms + gunpowder
firefighterfire + hero | fire + warrior
fireflybeetle + lamp | beetle + light
fishbacteria + plankton | fish + worm | snake + water
fishermanfish + hunter
flourstone + wheat | tool + wheat
flowermud + seed | seed + water
fluair + bacteria
fonduecheese + fire
fossilbutterfly + earth | dinosaur + earth | dinosaur + stone | earth + fern | earth + pterodactyl
Francechampagne + country | country + perfume | country + Statue of Liberty
Frankensteincorpse + electricity | corpse + lightning rod | electricity + zombie
fried chickenchicken + fire
frogcaviar + swamp | lizard + swamp
fruitfarmer + tree | flower + tree
fugufish + poison
gasolinepetroleum + pressure
genieghost + lamp
Germanycountry + VW Beetle
geyserCoca-Cola + Mentos | earth + steam
ghostash + life | ent + fire
Ghostbustersectoplasm + scientist | ghost + hunter
glassfire + sand
goldaluminium + Philosopher's Stone | metal + Philosopher's Stone | Philosopher's Stone + silver
golemclay + life
grapeberry + Sun | earth + wood
grassearth + moss
gravecoffin + earth | corpse + earth
grovecarbon dioxide + grove | 2*tree
gunpowderdust + fire | saltpeter + sulfur
hen coopchicken + hut
herodragon + warrior
honeybee + flower | bee + sugar | bee + tree
hospitalbrick house + sick
hot chocolatechocolate + fire
hourglassglass + sand
House M.D.doctor + Vicodin | man + Vicodin
hunterarms + man | beast + hunter | bird + hunter
hutman + stone
hydrogenelectricity + water
iceglass + water
Icelandcountry + ice | country + volcano
idealight bulb + man
Indiacountry + Kama Sutra
iodinealgae + fire | bacteria + iodine
iPhonefruit + phone
islandsea + volcano
Italycountry + pizza | country + Venice
Japancountry + Sun | country + sushi | country + Totoro
Jedihero + lightsaber | lightsaber + warrior
juiceberry + pressure | fruit + pressure | grape + pressure
Kama Sutrabook + sex | idea + sex
kangaroo1UP + frog | beast + frog
kerogenfossil + pressure
kiltclothing + Scotland
knifeknife + pig | meat + tool
lampfire + glass
Lance Armstrongbicycle + cancer
lavaearth + fire | lava + man | lava + woman | pressure + volcano
lava golemlava + life
lava lamplamp + lava
lawn mowercombustion engine + scissors | grass + tool
leechblood + worm
lichenalgae + mushroom | bacteria + mushroom
lifeenergy + swamp
lightelectricity + light bulb
light bulbelectricity + glass
lighthouselamp + skyscraper | light + skyscraper
lightning rodmetal + thunderstorm
lightsaberarms + light
limefire + limestone
limestoneshells + stone
livestockbeast + man | grass + livestock
lizardegg + swamp | 2*lizard | snake + worm
lobsterscorpion + water
locomotivecart + steam engine
man1UP + corpse | beast + life | beast + man | diet + obesity | golem + life | livestock + man | man + metal | man + oxygen | man + pig | man + sex | penicillin + sick | sick + woman
manuregrass + livestock
Mario1UP + man | 1UP + Mario
McDonald'sCoca-Cola + sandwich
meatbeast + hunter | bird + hunter | knife + pig | livestock + man | man + pig
MentosCoca-Cola + geyser
mermaidfish + woman
metalalcoholic + car | fire + stone
metal golemlife + metal
Mexicocountry + Quetzalcoatl | country + tequila
microchipsilicon + transistor | 2*transistor
milkgrass + livestock | livestock + man
mirroraluminium + glass | glass + silver
mitedust + life
moldmud + mushroom
Molotov cocktailalcohol + fire
moneycoin + paper | gold + paper
Mooncheese + sky | mirror + Sun
mossalgae + swamp
motorboatboat + combustion engine
motorcyclebicycle + combustion engine
mousebeast + cheese
muddust + mud | dust + water
mummycloth + corpse | cloth + zombie | corpse + paper | paper + zombie
museumbrick house + fossil | brick house + plesiosauria
mushroomalgae + earth
musicidea + sound
obesityman + McDonald's | McDonald's + woman
old manman + time
omeletteegg + fire
oxygencarbon dioxide + forest | carbon dioxide + grove | carbon dioxide + tree | electricity + water
oxyhydrogenair + hydrogen | hydrogen + oxygen
ozoneair + electricity | air + thunderstorm | bacteria + ozone | electricity + oxygen | mold + ozone
pandabeast + tree
paperpressure + wood | reed + tool
pearlsand + shells
peatpressure + swamp | swamp + tree
penguinbird + ice
penicillinmold + scientist
perfumealcohol + flower
Petri dishbacteria + glass
petroleumbitumen + pressure
Philosopher's Stonephilosophy + stone
philosophydilemma + scientist
phoenixash + bird | bird + fire
phonesound + wire
pieberry + dough | dough + fruit
piglivestock + mud
piggy bankceramics + coin | clay + coin | coin + pig
pillowcloth + feather
Pinocchiolife + wood
pizzacheese + dough
planktonbacteria + water
plesiosauriadinosaur + water
poisonmushroom + tool | scorpion + tool | snake + tool
poisoned weaponsarms + poison
pressureboiler + steam | 2*earth
prisonerassassin + time
pterodactylair + dinosaur | 2*pterodactyl
quark (cheese)fire + soured milk
Quetzalcoatlbird + snake | feather + snake
R2-D2hero + robot | robot + Star Wars | robot + Swiss army knife
raincloud + water | sky + water
rainbowdiamond + light | light + steam | light + storm | light + water | rain + Sun | rain + time | steam + Sun
reedgrass + swamp
Robin Hoodforest + hero | grove + hero
robotelectricity + metal golem
Romaniacountry + Transylvania | time + Transylvania
rubyaluminium + oxygen | blood + diamond | blood + uncut diamond | carmine + diamond | carmine + uncut diamond
Russiabear + vodka | country + Fabergé egg | country + vodka
rustmetal + oxygen | metal + water
sailboatboat + cloth
sailing shipcloth + wooden ship
sailorboat + man | man + sailboat | man + sailing ship
salamanderfire + lizard | lava + lizard
saloknife + pig | man + pig
saltfire + sea
saltpeterlimestone + manure
sandair + stone | stone + water | stone + wind
sand stormdust + storm | sand + storm | sand + wind
sandwichbarbeque + bread | bread + fried chicken | bread + meat
Santa ClausChristmas tree + old man
Saudi Arabiacountry + petroleum
saunahut + steam | man + steam | steam + woman
scarabbeetle + manure
scientistlibrary + man | library + woman
scissors2*knife | paper + tool
scorpionbeetle + sand
Scotch Whiskyalcohol + peat | alcohol + smoke
Scotlandcountry + kilt | country + Scotch Whisky
seed2*grass | life + sand
sexKama Sutra + man | Kama Sutra + woman | man + woman
Sex and the Citycity + sex
shellsplankton + stone
sickflu + man | flu + woman | man + sick | man + swine flu | swine flu + woman
siliconpressure + sand
silkChina + cloth | cloth + worm | worm + yarn
silvermetal + Moon
Sithassassin + Jedi | assassin + lightsaber
skyair + cloud | 2*cloud
skyscraperbrick house + glass
smokecigarettes + fire | fire + gunpowder | fire + peat | fire + tobacco
snailshells + worm
snakesand + worm | 2*snake | swamp + worm
sniperassassin + firearms
soapash + fat
soda watercarbon dioxide + water
soldierfirearms + man | firearms + warrior | firearms + woman
soundmetal + wind
soured milkmilk + soured milk | milk + yogurt
spinning wheelwheel + wool
stakeknife + wood
starscientist + Sun
Star WarsC-3PO + R2-D2 | Jedi + Sith | Sith + Yoda
statuestone + tool
Statue of LibertyFrance + USA | statue + USA
steamair + water | fire elementa + water | fire + sea | lava golem + water | lava + water
steam engineboiler + coal
steamersteam engine + wooden ship
stoneair + lava | lava golem + water | lava + water | 2*stone
stormair + energy
sugarlime + reed
sulfurbacteria + swamp
Sunchariot + sky | Sun + vampire
sunflowerflower + Sun
sushialgae + fish
swampearth + water
sweatertool + yarn | 2*yarn
swine fluflu + pig
Swiss army knifeknife + soldier | knife + Switzerland | knife + tool
Switzerlandclock + country | country + fondue | country + Swiss army knife
teambeast + cart
tequilaalcohol + cactus | alcohol + worm
The Beatles2*beetle
threadspinning wheel + yarn
thunderbirdbird + storm
thunderstormelectricity + storm
timehourglass + life | hourglass + scientist
toastbread + fire
tobaccofire + grass
toolman + metal | metal + tool | tool + tree | tool + wool
Totoroforest + ghost
tractorarable + lawn mower
Transformerscar + life
transistorelectricity + silicon | metal + silicon | scientist + silicon
Transylvaniacountry + vampire
treecarbon dioxide + tree | earth + seed
turtlebeach + egg | egg + sand | 2*turtle
Twilight Sagavampire + werewolf | vampire + woman
typhoonstorm + water
UFOairplane + alien
Ukraineborscht + country | country + salo
uncut diamondcoal + pressure
undeadcorpse + zombie
United Kingdomcountry + Robin Hood | country + The Beatles
USACoca-Cola + country | country + McDonald's | country + Statue of Liberty
vampirebeast + vampire | blood + man | blood + vampire | man + vampire | vampire + woman
Venicecity + water
Venusplanet + sex | planet + woman
Vicodindoctor + sick
vinegaralcohol + oxygen | time + wine
vodkaalcohol + water
volcanoash + lava | geyser + lava | lava + pressure | pressure + volcano
vulturebird + blood | bird + corpse
VW Beetlebeetle + car
warriorarms + hunter | beast + warrior | dinosaur + warrior | man + warrior
wateralcohol + oxygen | fire + ice
weevilbeetle + flour
werewolfbeast + vampire
whalebeast + water | elephant + sea | fish + plankton
wheatarable + grass | arable + seed
wheeltool + wood
wheyfire + soured milk
winealcohol + fruit | alcohol + grape | bacteria + grape
wirecopper + thread
wolfbeast + Moon | Moon + werewolf
womanbaby + time | diamond + flower | diamond + perfume | flower + perfume | life + woman | man + milk | sex + woman | sick + woman
woodtool + tree
wooden shipboat + wood
woolbeast + hunter | livestock + man
wormbacteria + swamp | earth + plankton
yarnspinning wheel + wool
Yodafrog + Jedi | Jedi + swamp | Jedi + Yoshi
yogurtbacteria + milk
Yoshi1UP + dinosaur | 1UP + egg | dinosaur + Mario
zombiecorpse + energy | corpse + life | fossil + life | man + zombie | woman + zombie
zoobeast + museum